Verbos - Passado / Verbs - Past

21/09/2010 20:44



  1   O past tense do verbo be (ser/estar) tem as seguintes formas:
na afirmativa:
Full Form Significado
I was eu fui / estive (1)
you were tu foste / estiveste (1)
was ele
foi / esteve (1)
we were nós fomos / estivemos (1)
you were vós fostes / estivestes (1)
they were eles(as) foram / estiveram (1)
(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação do past tense do verbo be é apenas um exemplo entre várias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.
na negativa:
Full Form Short Form
I was not I wasn't
you were not you weren't
was not he
we were not we weren't
you were not you weren't
they were not they weren't
na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:
Full Form
was I?
were you?
was he?
were we?
were you?
were they?
Full Form Short Form
was I not? wasn't I?
were you not? weren't you?
was he
not? wasn't he?
were we not? weren't we?
were you not? weren't you?
were they not? weren't they?


  2   Emprega-se o past tense do verbo be para:
(a) identificar pessoas ou algo:
Example Significado
Who was it?  It was John. Quem foi? Foi o João. /
Quem era? Era o João.
What was that?  It was the dog. It was trying to jump over the fence. O que foi aquilo? Foi o cão. Estava a tentar saltar por cima da vedação.
(b) descrever o estado físico ou mental:
Example Significado
I was tired. Eu estive / estava cansado(a).
They were tall. Eles(as) eram altos(as).
She was happy. Ela esteve / estava feliz.
He was angry. Ele esteve / estava zangado.
(c) falar sobre profissões:
Example Significado
He was a doctor. Ele foi / era médico.
She was an architect. Ela foi / era arquitecta.
They were (2) mechanics. Eles foram / eram mecânicos.
John and I were (2) teachers. Eu e o João fomos / éramos professores.
(2) Não se utiliza o artigo indefinido a(n) no plural.
(d) falar sobre a idade:
Example Significado
Mary was (3) ten (years old) (4). A Maria tinha dez anos.
The house was (3) ten years old. A casa tinha dez anos.
(3) É bastante frequente os estudantes portugueses da língua inglesa empregarem o verbo to have (que é incorrecto) em vez do verbo be para fazer referência à idade de pessoas ou algo.
(4) years old pode ser omitido quando se refere à idade de pessoas.
(e) falar sobre o tempo, horas, preços, etc.:
Example Significado
It was cold yesterday. Ontem esteve / estava frio.
It was three o'clock. Eram três horas.
It was £10. Foram 10 libras.
(f) falar sobre posses:
Example Significado
That was my book. Aquele era o meu livro.
This was mine. Este era meu. / Esta era minha.
This was John's. Este era do João.
(g) falar sobre a localização:
Example Significado
She was in the bedroom. Ela esteve / estava no quarto de dormir.
Salisbury was the capital of Zimbabwe. Salisbúria foi / era a capital de Zimbabwe.



  1   O past tense do verbo there+be (haver) tem as seguintes formas:
na afirmativa:
Full Form Significado
there was houve (1)  (no singular)
there were houve (1)  (no plural)
(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação do past tense do verbo there+be é apenas um exemplo entre várias outras possibilidades, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.
na negativa:
Full Form Short Form
there was not there wasn't
there were not there weren't
na interrogativa:   na interrogativa negativa:
Full Form
was there?
were there?
Full Form Short Form
was there not? wasn't there?
were there not? weren't there?


  2   Consideremos a frase seguinte:
Example Significado
A boy was at the door. Esteve / Estava um rapaz à porta.
O sujeito da frase (a boy) satisfaz duas condições:
  • é indefinido
  • é seguido do verbo be (was)
Sendo assim, é mais frequente dizer-se em inglês:
Example Significado
There was a boy at the door. Esteve / Estava (2) um rapaz à porta.
sem alterar o sentido da frase, colocando there no início da frase e o sujeito (a boy) depois do verbo be (was).
Vejamos mais alguns exemplos:
Example Significado
(Many people were in the party.)
There were many people in the party.
Houve / Havia / Esteve / Estava muita gente na festa.
(Someone was in the kitchen.)
There was someone in the kitchen.
Esteve / Estava (2) alguém na cozinha.
(A man was smoking a cigar.)
There was a man smoking a cigar.
Esteve / Estava (2) um homem a fumar charuto.
(2) Literalmente, deveria ser houve / havia


  3   Quando o verbo be é empregue para exprimir existência, a utilização de there+be é necessária:
Example Significado
There was plenty of time. Houve / Havia muito tempo.
There were a lot of mistakes. Houve / Havia muitos erros.
Repare que estes exemplos não podem ser convertidos como os do ponto anterior:
From To
There was plenty of time. Plenty of time was.
There were a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes were.



  1   O tempo verbal past continuous (ou past progressive) tem as seguintes formas:
na afirmativa:
Full Form Significado
I was doing eu estive a fazer (1)
you were doing tu estiveste a fazer (1)
was doing ele(a) esteve a fazer (1)
we were doing nós estivemos a fazer (1)
you were doing vós estivestes a fazer (1)
they were doing eles(as) estiveram a fazer (1)
(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação deste tempo verbal past continuous é apenas um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.
na negativa:
Full Form Short Form
I was not doing I wasn't doing
you were not doing you weren't doing
was not doing he
wasn't doing
we were not doing we weren't doing
you were not doing you weren't doing
they were not doing they weren't doing
na interrogativa:
Full Form
was I doing?
were you doing?
was he
were we doing?
were you doing?
were they doing?
na interrogativa negativa:
Full Form Short Form
was I not doing? wasn't I doing?
were you not doing? weren't you doing?
was he/she/it not doing? wasn't he/she/it doing?
were we not doing? weren't we doing?
were you not doing? weren't you doing?
were they not doing? weren't they doing?
nas respostas breves:
Full Form  /  Short Form
Yes, I / he / she / it was.
you / we / they were.
No, I / he / she / it was not / wasn't.
you / we / they were not / weren't.


  2   Como podemos verificar no ponto anterior, o tempo verbal past continuous forma-se da seguinte maneira:
onde WAS / WERE = verbo auxiliar be no past tense
e -ING = verbo principal terminado em -ing (ex. reading, writing)


  3   Veja as regras ortográficas dos verbos principais terminados
em -ing.


  4   Emprega-se o tempo verbal past continuous para descrever:
(a) acções em progresso no passado:
Example Significado
John was doing his homework last night. O João esteve / estava a fazer os trabalhos de casa ontem à noite.
Mary was reading a book yesterday. A Maria esteve / estava a ler um livro ontem.


(b) acções que começam antes de uma outra no passado:
Example Significado
I was having a bath when the telephone rang. Eu estava a tomar banho quando o telefone tocou.
He was writing a letter when someone knocked at the door. Ele estava a escrever uma carta quando alguém bateu à porta.


(c) acções em simultâneo no passado:
Example Significado
While Mary was watching television, John was reading a book. Enquanto a Maria estava a ver televisão, o João estava a ler um livro.
While the children were playing in the garden, their mother was cooking dinner. Enquanto as crianças estavam a brincar no jardim, a (sua) mãe estava a fazer o jantar.


(d) acções repetidas no passado:
Example Significado
When she worked here, she was always complaining about the room. Quando ela trabalhou aqui, ela queixava-se sempre da sala.
He was always asking for more money. Ele estava sempre a pedir mais dinheiro.


(e) acções que introduzem o pano de fundo de uma história numa narrativa:
Example Significado
Mary was walking down the path one afternoon. The birds were singing and the wind was blowing gently. Suddenly, a twig snapped nearby. Mary heard the noise and froze. The birds also stopped singing. ... A Maria estava a andar ao longo do trilho uma tarde. Os pássaros estavam a cantar e o vento soprava com suavidade. De repente, um ramo estalou-se por perto. A Maria ouviu o estalo e ficou imóvel. Os pássaros também pararam de cantar. ...


(f) acções que exprimem pedidos de informação num modo educado:
Example Significado
I was wondering if you could tell me the time, please. Não sei se me poderia dizer as horas, por favor.


  1   O tempo verbal past simple (ou simple past) tem as seguintes formas:
na afirmativa (verbos regulares, por ex. to ask):
Full Form Significado
I asked eu perguntei (1)
you asked tu perguntaste (1)
he / she / it asked ele(a) perguntou (1)
we asked nós perguntámos (1)
you asked vós perguntastes (1)
they asked eles(as) perguntaram (1)
na afirmativa (verbos irregulares, por ex. to buy):
Full Form Significado
I bought eu comprei (1)
you bought tu compraste (1)
he / she / it bought ele(a) comprou (1)
we bought nós comprámos (1)
you bought vós comprastes (1)
they bought eles(as) compraram (1)
(1) A tradução (para a língua portuguesa) da conjugação do tempo verbal past simple é apenas um dos exemplos possíveis entre vários, estando este tempo verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.
na negativa:
Full Form Short Form
I did not ask / buy I didn't ask / buy
you did not ask / buy you didn't ask / buy
did not ask / buy he
didn't ask / buy
we did not ask / buy we didn't ask / buy
you did not ask / buy you didn't ask / buy
they did not ask / buy they didn't ask / buy
na interrogativa:
Full Form
Did I ask / buy?
Did you ask / buy?
Did he
ask / buy?
Did we ask / buy?
Did you ask / buy?
Did they ask / buy?
na interrogativa negativa:
Full Form Short Form
Did I not ask / buy? Didn't I ask / buy?
Did you not ask / buy? Didn't you ask / buy?
Did he
not ask / buy? Didn't he
ask / buy?
Did we not ask / buy? Didn't we ask / buy?
Did you not ask / buy? Didn't you ask / buy?
Did they not ask / buy? Didn't they ask / buy?
nas respostas breves:
Full Form  /  Short Form
Yes, I / you /
he / she / it /
we / you / they
No, I / you /
he / she / it /
we / you / they
did not  /  didn't.


  2   Veja as regras ortográficas dos verbos regulares na afirmativa do tempo verbal past simple.


  3   Na afirmativa, os verbos irregulares do tempo verbal past simple variam consideravelmente, e não terminam em -ed:
Base Past Simple Significado
buy bought comprar
cut cut cortar
eat ate comer
go went ir
take took levar; tomar
Para consultar a lista dos verbos irregulares veja irregular verbs (na segunda coluna past simple).


  4   Na negativa, os verbos tanto regulares como irregulares formam-se da seguinte maneira:
did not + (base do verbo)  =  didn't + (base do verbo)
Full Form Short Form Significado
I did not ask I didn't ask eu não perguntei
you did not buy you didn't buy tu não compraste
he did not work he didn't work ele não trabalhou
we did not see we didn't see nós não vimos


  5   Na interrogativa, os verbos tanto regulares como irregulares formam-se da seguinte maneira:
did + (sujeito) + (base do verbo) ?
Full Form Significado
did I ask? eu perguntei?
did you buy? tu compraste?
did he work? ele trabalhou?
did we see? nós vimos?
NOTA: O verbo auxiliar did não possui nenhum significado em particular, mas a sua utilização é necessária tanto na negativa como na interrogativa.


  6   O tempo verbal past simple estabelece uma rela��o somente com o passado.


  7   Emprega-se o past simple para descrever:
(a) acções que ocorrem num momento bem definido do passado:
Example Significado
I saw her yesterday. Eu vi-a ontem.
She bought a car last week. Ela comprou um carro na semana passada.
The First World War began in 1914. A Primeira Guerra Mundial começou em 1914.
He arrived two hours ago. Ele chegou há duas horas atrás.


(b) acções que ocorrem num momento (que não é mencionado) do passado e que pode ser identificado a partir de um contexto conhecido entre os intervenientes:
Example Significado
I saw her in London. Eu vi-a em Londres.
She arrived late. Ela chegou atrasada.
He gave me the book. Ele deu-me o livro.


(c) acções repetidas do passado:


Example Significado
I phoned you three times. Eu telefonei-te três vezes.
He knocked at the door several times. Ele bateu à porta várias vezes.


(d) hábitos do passado:
Example Significado
He always studied at night. Ele sempre estudou à noite.
She never liked garlic. Ela nunca gostou de alho.
I played football every week when I was a child. Eu brincava futebol todas as semanas quando eu era criança.


(e) acções que decorrem durante um período de tempo no passado sem nenhuma relação com o presente:

Example Significado
I lived in Lisbon for ten years before moving to Oporto. Eu vivi em Lisboa durante dez anos antes de me mudar para o Porto.